Montag, 20. Juni 2016

Östersund & into the wild

I follow my way was up North at the coast. Many small islands make a very pretty and varied companion.

From time to time, I need to fill up my energy storage. The 'bensin station' is a good Place to Do that:

But then, as one of my bad habbits are sweets - I saw that sign, just after frukost (breakfast):
M A R Z I P A N - I could not help, I needed to stop for some godis

Because I like to get in contact with other people and to train my Swedish language skils (and because it is comfortable), I stay a lot in vandrahems (Youth Hostels). Here is the vandrahem in Sågen. Actually, it is an old trainstation. 

I am now North of the Vänern lake. It is becoming really lonely. Villages are rare and I need to plan ahead in terms of food. Talking about places, that are needed: It is the time of the European Football Championship EM 2016. My iPad helped me a couple of times in a small shop w/internet somewhere in nowhere. 

Next stop: Mora - known for the Vasaloppet (The Vasa Race) and the Dalahäst - the Swedish horse.

I hat my second beer, a couple of days ago on one of these lonely roads.

I am having some restdays in Östersund and will continue North!

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